Thursday, 11 August 2016

Running a 64 bit VM in a nested environment

Nested environment means a hypervisor inside a hyervisor

Esxi 6 has enabled a option to run VM in nested environment . In order to enable this feature you need to enable this setting under a CPU for the VM running a hypervisor in a nested environment.

Below is the path amd the option.

Login to vcenter
Then select the VM ,Right click  the Vm and selcet edit.

In the edit dialogue box that opened as a response ,Select the CPU and the option marked in the screenshot.

This will enable the nested hypervisor to run any 64 bit VMs.

If you are using the  vcenter client ( c#) the follow the below option to do the same.

You’ll have to add the following setting manually.From the “VM Options” tab expand “Advanced- General” and click on the “Edit configuration…” button. Click “Add Row” and add the line vhv.enable = “TRUE”.

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